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What makes you happy

At the start of every day how do you feel when you wake up? I know for me personally i am half asleep, wanting a coffee, and feeling optimistic thinking about what the day is going to bring. It's not always been this way for me. There was a time in my life when i dreaded waking up every day, as i battled with depression. But even when i was going through my darkest times, looking back now i know there was always moments in my day when i would smile, or sometimes laugh.

The point i am trying to make in this blog, is that no matter how low you feel there is always something that will bring on a smile. Whether that's a funny moment you have seen whilst watching the TV, or someone saying something that makes you laugh, maybe just being out in the fresh air with the sun shining can bring on that all important smile. 

So, what makes you happy, I mean truly happy?. My happiness comes when i sing, i absolutely love belting out a tune. My family make me happy, they can drive me mad at times, but they also make me laugh really hard. whatever it is that brings about your smile, do it more often. And if you really want to help yourself, keep a journal of all the things that have either made you smile or laugh in your day. 

As a society we have got used to so much doom and gloom that we automatically focus on what is negative in our lives. So let's flip that on it's head, and start focussing on the good stuff. 

The roof over your head

The body that carry's you from a to b

Your family

And most important your health

Now is the time to start being truly happy, and appreciate the little things in life

New Year New Start. New Year Resolution

New Year Resolution Taking you in a new direction

As we move into 2023 we start to think about the changes that can be made to our lives

Maybe you want to lose weight

Stop Smoking

Become more confident

Beat a fear or phobia

Get rid of the anxiety that has been holding you back in 2022

Beat an addiction

Cut down on your alcohol intake

All of the above intentions are real, but why is it that most of our intentions are gone 

by January or February? 

Well, humans are creatures of habit, and when the going get's tough 

our resolutions are harder to maintain, and so we revert to our old and trusted ways

because that is where our comfort zone is

But it does not have to be like this in 2023, because therapy can give you the focus you need to stick to your goals, and help you to stay on track no matter what your resolutions are. 

So this New Year, forget sitting back and only thinking about those changes and resolutions, but take that first step to becoming the best you in 2023

Cool down as the temperature rises

Helping you cool down as the temperature rises

Temperatures are rising in the UK, and all over the world due to climate change 

I have seen a spike in clients struggling more with sleep ,and stress since the hot weather kicked in. i noticed even in myself my mood had changed, i have been feeling really agitated, and my clients have been mentioning the same thing.

 We are aware of seasonal affective disorder, this is when peoples moods change in the winter due to a lack in serotonin, once the sun comes out your serotonin rises, and our mood gets better. But what about how are moods are affected in the summer? In the summer months our cortisol hormone rises, and in turn causes us to become angry, grumpy, and agitated, and on top of this effects our sleep”.

I started wondering how i could help everyone to cool down in this heat, as a hypnotherapist i know that using your imagination, whilst in a state of induced relaxation by focusing your attention works wonders, so i have introduced a technique to cool everyone down,  It is so easy that anyone can do it.

Not only will the recording cool you down in this heat, but it will reduce your stress levels, and help you have a better nights sleep.

To access my free summer cool down recording got to:

Essex-Hypnosis Blog

An ongoing series of informative entries

Fixing sleep issues

Our Latest Blog Entry

5 May 2021

Fixing Sleep Issues with the Power of Hypnosis

As we come out of the other side of the pandemic

It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep - sleep becomes more elusive when we are anxious.

Many people are suffering sleep issues for the first time in their lives:

• awake for long periods

• unable to fall asleep at all

• wake up several times during the night

• more intense and emotional dreams

• tired and groggy the next morning

• find it difficult to concentrate or function properly

• feel irritable

But good sleep stratagems will help you sleep well and can limit the negative effects of poor sleep.

Try these FIVE hints for calmer and better sleep.

1 Limit news intake and avoid your mobiles and tablets for at least an hour before bed

Do something to boost your mood before bed - a humorous television programme or an uplifting podcast can help you sleep

2 Have structure to your day

Our brains and bodies love structure. Wake, exercise, eat and sleep at similar times each day

3 Focus on your breathing

Think about resting rather than sleeping. Follow your breathing by silently whispering the words ‘in’ and ‘out’ to induce sleep.

4 Learn to relax

Relaxation can switch off the stress response, physically and mentally. Find something that works for you - mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing or a long hot bath.

5. If you can’t sleep - get out of bed

Your bed should not be a battleground. Instead, try to enjoy the sensation of merely resting.

Hypnosis can help many forms of sleep issues.

If you are not sleeping well, and traditional treatments are not working, hypnosis may be able to help you sleep the way you deserve.

It uses different approaches to induce relaxation, such as focused attention, symptom control and guided imagery.

And, unlike sleep medications, it has no side effects, so it can be an aid for those who can’t or don’t want to take sleeping pills.

It can help overcome bedtime restlessness - ease the worry, tension and anxiety that prevent sleep - and can show the way to the deep, restorative sleep that we all need.

To get started, download this complimentary hypnosis recording. And take the first steps on the road to better sleep!

Click on the link below for your free sleep recording


The art of self hypnosis

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, here i will be teaching you step by step how to create that relaxed feeling whenever it's needed

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, and it's very easy to achieve in a few simple steps.

when i need to relax, or i need that little bit of extra help with my sleep i use self hypnosis as a tool to unwind, and drift off into a relaxing sleep.

Hypnosis is just a state of relaxation, a bit like meditation, it's a way of focusing your attention on something else. So if you are feeling anxious, stressed, or you just want to unwind this is perfect for you.

Step 1 - Getting yourself comfortable

Make sure you find a comfortable place to either sit or lay down

Do not do this whilst driving as you will be closing your eyes shortly.

Step 2 - Time for some deep breathing

Just close your eyes, and take Three nice big deep breathes,

Breathing In through your nose and breathing out through your mouth

With each exhale, say the word relax (but not out loud)

Step 3 - Scan your body

Staring with the top of your head, working your way down your body, telling each body part and muscle in those parts to relax.

Head, cheeks, mouth, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, spine, chest, stomach, legs, feet

" Now you are beginning to really relax"

Step 4 - Now it's time to go even deeper relaxed

Start counting down from Ten down to Zero, telling yourself to go deeper as you count down

Step 5 - Suggestion time

Now you are at this point, you should be completely relaxed, and you can use this part to give yourself positive suggestions, or just allow your mind to wander wherever it wants to go. You may even fall asleep by this time, as i usually do.

Step 6 - Practice makes perfect

The more you practice the steps above the better you will become at it, and the easier you will find it each time, eventually you will be able to use it whenever you choose.


You have made it to the end, you have just put yourself into self hypnosis, and you should be feeling much more relaxed. You have also taken your attention away from any stress and anxiety.

Keep practicing this technique.

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